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Half-staff for Covid victims?  In the same vein, this disgusting practice of lowering the US Flag to half-mast for the virus victims not only violates flag protocol, and not only cheapens the honor earned by heroes of the country, but it even begs the question- what about your relatives and friends who died from heart disease, cancer, auto accident? Were their lives/deaths less worthy because they didn’t die from a popular cause??? Huhhh??? And why in Heaven’s name are 80% of the Jews going along with this madness and its associated insanity of destroying the country? Don’t those stupid Jews understand that the first victims of anarchy have always been the Jews? And in every age and in every country, the Jews always believed, as they do today, that the destruction will not come to their neighborhoods, and that, as good citizens, they will not be attacked.
R.S. 7/9/20     (Webmaster's note:  R.S. is a Jewish veteran)
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