Our JWV Post 652 has instituted a volunteer Speakers Squad to get our messages out to Long Island's youngsters at every level.
We'll talk at Elementary Schools, Yeshivas, Day Schools, and High Schools on Long Island, by invitation, for history classes and at Special Occasions (Holocaust Commemorations, Flag Day, Veterans Day, etc).
If you can give only ONE HOUR A YEAR, that's more than nothing.
If you can devote 1 hour a month to speaking, that's really something!
The "other guy" can't do it for you. Only YOU can do what you can do!
You don't have to be a professional speaker. We'll prepare some notes, a suggested outline of what to say.
Then just talk to the kids as if they're your grandchildren. They'll be fascinated and they'll ask questions. You'll answer (or tell them you'll get the answers.)
TODAY! NOW! Send us (1) your name, (2) e-mail [or postal] address, (3) cell phone number, and indicate (4) how often you'll be available.
The dedicated email address for this POST 652 SPEAKERS SQUAD is:
Or send me a note at:
P.O. Box 903
Plainview, NY 11803-0903
As Rabbi Hillel taught: "If not now, when?" SO DO IT!
-- Allan Eliyahu Mallenbaum
JWV POST 652 Speakers Squad Coordinator
This page is sponsored by LD Solowey Post 652, Merrick, NY
Click HERE to visit the Post 652 website.
JWV National has made Post Banners available to all Posts who want them for display at meetings and events. How better to call attention to our organization and gain new members, attract donors, or advertise who we are. We will post complete information regarding purchase of the banners as soon as it is available.
There is no place in our world for hate no matter to whom it is directed! Unfortunately, there are still those with small minds who will spew hateful speech at every opportunity. This is unacceptable, and we must band together as humans against all forms of hate.
Jews have been the target of hate since pre-biblical times, and antisemitism rears its ugly head far too often. As Jews, we have fought in many American wars beginning with our Revolutionary War to find the freedoms and opportunities proposed in our founding documents. We have fought in World Wars to beat back those who would exterminate and enslave our populations, and have stood for the rights of all races and religions to benefit from the promises made by our founding fathers.
It matters not what one's heritage is- ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL in God's eyes. Unfortunately, some are more hateful than others, and their voices must be drowned out by those with true human values.
In recent weeks, new incidents of antisemitism have occurred in some of our own Long Island communities- the haters must be apprehended and brought to justice. We count on our Nassau County Police Department to fully investigate these hate crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice.
There have been other, more public displays of hate speech lately, and one of these occurrences was during the commencement speeches at the City University of NY commencement ceremony held at the CUNY Law School. As a public institution operating under the rules of the NY State Education Department, those persons who have spoken hatefully should be disinvited, disbarred and censured for their remarks. Those who condone or promote hate speech must be silenced. Our First Amendment rights come with obligations- responsible persons do not infringe on the rights of other citizens. We still live in the United States of America, and we must stand together in solidarity.
Please read the two position papers below from the National Officers of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States regarding CUNY Hate Speech and actions of the Goyim Defense League, both of which we find despicable and hateful. As an American Jewish Veteran of the U.S. Army, I urge Bill Thompson to take action immediately to remove Dean Setty for condoning and applauding such hate speech.
Special Announcement - Watch for further details!
The key to survival of the organization!
Click here for an application form to download and print.
Fill it out, then click to locate a Post in your area. If you need assistance, email here.
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America
Alan D. Paley – National Commander
Post 1 JWV Anniversary Ceremony
April 12, 2022
Read Commander Paley's address to members of Post 1 regarding the founding of the Hebrew Union Veterans Association at their first meeting on 15 March 1896. This was the seed of our present Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America. Click HERE for the address and pictures.
Jewish War Veterans of the United States is 125-years old this year!
On Monday, 15 March 2021, the Ens. L D Solowey Post # 652 and JWV Nassau-Suffolk District Council proudly celebrated the event at a ceremony held at the Nassau County Veterans Memorial at Eisenhower Park, Uniondale, NY.
At the hour of the ceremony, the temperature was 30 degrees F, and the wind made it feel like 19. Despite the chill, we had a turnout of about 30 (the size of the gathering was limited due to Covid-19 restrictions), but spirits were high considering the low thermometer! Thank you to all of the dignitaries and representatives who braved the elements to make this a wonderful event!