Nassau County Veterans' Events Calendar
Now Available on Nassau County VSA Page
Nassau County has added a Lynbrook location for their Senior Veterans' Lunch. The food and camaraderie are great, and there is usually entertainment or a special guest speaker at each event. They would love to see greater attendance by veterans and spouses at the Lynbrook location. This event occurs every month - sign up for email notifications. Registration required 5 days prior to event.
Click HERE for more information and registration for this FREE event
UVO Veterans News
airs monthly on public service channels and brings current issues and information to our fellow veterans. It is produced by Ed Aulman, and is now available for viewing on Optimum channel 20 at 6:30pm on Tuesdays, and also on other local municipal channels. The shows are also on YouTube- Click HERE to watch episodes of Veterans News.
Special Review
As veterans, we are all too aware of the horrific effect that PTSD can have on our lives. It also leads to more loss of lives due to suicide among veterans. Eric Spinner was the guest host for the April episode of Veterans News and the focus of the program was be PTSD and discussion of resources and available treatments. Guests were be Rev. Chaplain Fred Miller from Suffolk County and the Veteran Peer-to-Peer Project, and Bill Solz, LCSW. Both are experienced in working in this area, and Bill adds a discussion of a lesser-known but very effective treatment technique called Havening.
If we can save even one life, it will be worth the effort.
See the spotlight box to the right of this text.
Recent Veteran Events News
Special Interest Story
Several years ago, Pat Yngstrom, began working with Arbors Assisted Living facilities to facilitate the placement of veterans and their spouses in a caring location. Through the years his efforts have been expanded to include monthly gatherings with the resident veterans and many special events. Your webmaster became part of this activity in April 2021 when his sister-in-law became a resident. Pat has now retired from his position pending a move from Long Island to Lewes, DE. We all say, "Godspeed" and good luck- we'll miss you, but will carry on in your absence.
These videos are posted as a reminder of our obligation to our senior vets and their families.
Above: Our own Bernard Fradkin 'cutting a rug' in celebration! For those who knew Bernie, he passed away in January 2025 in residence at the New York State Veterans Home in Stonybrook. We'll miss you, Bernie!
Above: Avi joins in the fun!
Veteran Committee Members in these shots include Jewish War Veterans Gary Glick, Eric Spinner, Avi Hercz & Jack Holzman, our leader and mentor, Pat Yngstrom, and all of our resident veterans and or spouses. We look forward to many more happy meetings with our 'family'!