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Chapter History and Goals:

On January 10, 2010, five members of American Legion Post 1033 family - Veterans and Sons of the American Legion Post 1033 - got together and formed the American Legion Riders of Post 1033, which was chartered and accepted by the National American Legion Riders Association.

As proposed in the ALR national, the aims and goals of ALR 1033 are to:

  • participate in parades and other ceremonies that are in keeping with the Aims and Purposes of the American Legion;
  • promote motorcycle safety programs;
  • provide a social atmosphere for American Legion Riders' members;
  • use our Association to promote and support the programs of the American Legion;
  • establish a credible organization that provides a lasting camaraderie among Veterans, Sons, Auxiliary and family who are motorcycle riders;
  • provide notable assistance to ALL veterans, past and present, and to visit aging veterans' homes and severely wounded servicemen and women in hospitals;
  • make ourselves visible to the public and community within the aims and purposes of our family of the American Legion as we extend ourselves in helping and serving our post, all communities and our nation.

Our purpose is to seek out veterans and their family members who are part of the American Legion family as motorcycle riders to participate in our monthly meetings, activities and events.

We seek members who are willing to work hard, show up when counted on and volunteer to help others with self-satisfaction the only payment, and the knowledge that you have done something good for the Post, Community and Nation. We are seeking members who are proud to hold their heads high, as we do. American Legion Riders ride through all areas, cities, counties and communities as one group with only the wish to instill and spread the word of the goodwill and care that our organization seeks for all veterans and their families.


We normally meet the first Tuesday of every month at 20:00 hours at

Elmont American Legion Post 1033, 60 Hill Avenue, Elmont, NY 11003


If you are interested in becoming part of this great Legion Family tradition, requirements for membership are:

You must be a member of the American Legion, Sons of the Legion, Auxiliary;

You must be licensed to operate a motorcycle - the class endorsement must be on your operator's license;

You must own a motorcycle with at least 600cc displacement, be insured in accordance with NYSDMV regulations, and your motorcycle safety inspections must be up-to-date.

If you meet these requirements and wish to join, download and print our application, complete the application and bring it to our next meeting and meet our 'family'.

American Legion Riders Post 1033 Officers and Contact Information

Post Phone #: 516-354-9884

Director: Kevin Tirman - kptirman@gmail.com

Asst. Director: Glenn Kinney - 10mtnvet@gmail.com

Secretary: Dawn "Tigger" Samuel - dsvcelant@hotmail.com

Treasurer: Bill "Doc" Lorusso - wlorusso@gmail.com

Membership Officer: Eric "Professor" Spinner - ericmaven@gmail.com

Sgt. At Arms: Billy "Braves" DePietro - elmontdeadman@gmail.com

Chaplain: Bill "Doc" Lorusso - wlorusso@gmail.com

Webmaster:  Eric "Professor" Spinner - ericmaven@gmail.com

Who are the Legion Riders?

Today over 425 American Legion Riders programs, organized by chapters, districts, or departments, support Americanism and Children and Youth programs in virtually every state in the nation, and more are organizing each month. One of the fastest-growing and most highly visible of the many programs offered by The American Legion, The American Legion Riders are a diverse group, and so are the programs that they support. What do American Legion Riders do? The activities are far too many to mention in this space, but here are a few examples:

  • American Legion Riders chapters and districts, nationally, have become some of the most generous donors for the American Legacy Scholarship Fund, raising as much as $5,000 or more in a single event.
  • Legion Riders participate in the annual POW/MIA Rally held each Memorial weekend in Washington D.C. known as "Rolling Thunder".
  • Legion Riders sponsor or participate in local and national charity events in support of the sponsoring American Legion Post.
  • Legion Riders ride to raise money for such organizations as local VA Hospitals, Battered Women and Children's Center, various Children and Youth programs, a School for Blind Children, Veterans Relief, Needy families and many, many others.
  • Legion Riders founded a national movement called “Patriot Guard” (www.patriotguard.org) that honors and protects the sanctity of military funerals and memorial services.
  • Legion Riders have formed special motorcycle Honor Guards and ceremonial teams highlighting the special bonds formed in military service and the motorcycling community.
  • Legion Riders have also begun to teach motorcycle and driver safety in the community and in schools in cooperation with ABATE and other national motorcycling organizations.

Remember: American Legion Riders are a very dedicated group of Legion Family members. When your Post or district sponsors a new Riders organization, you create a win/win situation for your post,district, and Department!

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