From the Webmaster...
Veterans and History - We must be true to both!
Our great nation has been created and sustained throughout our history by those who offered life and limb to create, preserve and protect the rights of all citizens. It is not by accident that our nation is the most desirable place in the world to live, and the steady stream of immigrants arriving at our borders is a stark reminder of who we are and what we stand for.
Our young men and women have stood on battle lines to defeat all who would destroy our democratic republic, and it should not be forgotten that our costliest war for freedom and democracy was fought on our own soil so that the phrase 'all men are created equal' would gain its longevity in our daily lives.
We have maintained our freedoms for two hundred thirty-six years since the ratification of our Constitution, and although the road has been bumpy at times, we are still able to maintain what our founders created. Those freedoms are challenged daily at many levels, and many of those threats come from within our own borders, sometimes even from those who are elected to represent us. We must remain vigilant to these threats, and we must be ready to act to correct these problems and remove the threats to our nation.
As veterans, we took a solemn oath to 'preserve, protect and defend'. This oath is lifelong, and it is not relinquished when our 'official' service is done. We are Americans, and we own that oath and its inherent obligations until our dying day. Remember our Veterans, remember our history, and be sure to let others know that we will not be disenfranchised.
General Needs is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that has been helping local veterans for over 14 years. We provide essential needs items such as socks, underwear, and t-shirts. We are dedicated to creating a better future for America’s veterans.